I don't know about you, but I have a serious problem. I get burned out--A LOT! For those of you reading that don't know me in real life, I tend to take on quite a bit of responsibilities. For my own sanity, I have dialed back some things, but continue to be just a smidgen on the over ambitious side. Currently, I am a mom (to a joyfully precocious 12 year old daughter), a wife (to an equally precocious husband), a daughter (to the best mom in the world, however, that being said, is getting to be the age where she needs and relies on me a bit more than she had in the past), a friend (OK, not going to lie, I have the most amazing friends, and actually spend time with them on a regular basis), a psychology professor (my full-time job, that I love more than I can ever begin to express), a business owner (I am a rehabilitation vendor along with 2 employees), an author (one book available at Barnes and Noble and on Amazon-Choosing Happiness, and a second on the way, Even Happier), a motivational speaker (and believe me when I say I go everywhere to spread my joy! Feel free to contact me, if I would be the right fit for your workplace or event!), among many, many other things!!
Are you tired just reading that? I am. In fact, I get tired often, despite what seems like boundless energy from curious onlookers. So, if I am being honest, which I always try to be, I do not do a good job at taking care of myself. It's kinda funny because in my line of work we are always preaching self-care. What are you doing to take care of yourself each and every week? I routinely do nothing, wait until I am already burned out, and then get really cranky that self-care doesn't work.
Self-care DOES work! My problem is that I nearly always wait until its too late for it to be effective. If you, like me, are waiting until you feel burned out to do something for yourself, YOU ARE TOO LATE!
So what can we do differently? A half hour a week, every week will change your life. However, even reading that I run into my next problem. I talk myself out of it. I can't afford self-care (self-care isn't always a massage or a vacation, although both of these are lovely options) or another issue-I can't find anything I would like to do that constitutes self-care.
OK, that one is really a biggie for me. I hear others talk about their weekly bubble baths, and I think to myself-that sounds boring. Really, I get bored every time I try to take a bubble bath and wind up getting out in under 5 minutes! I don't like going to the gym (Who am I kidding, I don't even have a membership!). In Oklahoma, it is nearly always either too hot or too cold to go outside (really though, fall lasts 3 minutes).
Do I sound like you? Then let's do this together!! Leave me a comment sharing your self-care ideas! Remember 30 minutes a week, every week! Let's prevent burnout together. Let's love ourselves a little! After all, we are pretty awesome!!
Hm... I have trouble with the whole self-care thing as well, except for the opposite reasons. My perfectionism, drive, spirit, and good humor (sometimes) quickly meet with a rather gargantuan wall of anxiety, depression, and self-loathing that slaps me back. However I continue to survive, but not thrive because I don’t think I deserve self-care because I figure I do it all day because I’m not reaching my potential. But it doesn’t make me feel better, lazing about, which is not the definition of self-care, right? Perhaps it could be washing a dish or sweeping the floor, taking a bath (like you mentioned), ’chores’ to me that I don’t want to do at first.... but then I feel better afterwards?…
I agree that self care is extremely important, but I also understand how easy it is to talk yourself out of it. You tell yourself that you're to busy, you can't convince yourself it does anything, or even tell yourself you don't deserve it. Everyone deserves to take care of themselves. I like doing yoga, and with YouTube videos, I don't even have to socialize. Also coffee, sometime taking 15min to actually sit down and enjoy a hot cup of coffee can make my day alittle better.