Do you believe people are inherently good? That they want to do good things and not hurt people? That it is their nature to love others?
Or do you believe that people are inherently bad? Christians would call it a sin nature. That it is a challenge to do right by others and show love rather than hate?
This is something I have rolled around in my head for more years than i can remember. Sadly, I believe that I have come to subscribe to the latter--people are NOT naturally good. This admission makes my heart sad, but deep in my soul, I believe its true.
Why I believe people are bad:
I often tell my students that if I could adhere a suction cup to their forehead and project on the overhead their most private thoughts, most of us would be terrified of each other. I really am my own perfect example. I walk around through life all sunshine and lollipops, but I can honestly say that some truly heinous thoughts go through my mind on a regular basis. I wouldn't act on these thoughts, but they are definitely there. If you are honest with yourself, you have some darkness in your heart too. Again, you likely would not act on these thoughts and ideas, but they are still there, and are there on, just like me, a regular basis.
Research also suggests that people are not inherently good, in fact, research suggests the opportunity the majority of humanity will choose to embrace their darkness. Take the Nazi regime , for example. All of these people, people just like you and me, murdered millions of people based on their religion, their abilities, and the color of their skin. We look back now and think I would never do that, but would you? Would you risk your life to stand against it? We would all like to believe we would, but the truth is we really don't know until we are in that situation.
Following World War II, researchers like Stanley Milgram and Phillip Zimbardo conducted ground breaking research that demonstrated human beings were very capable of evil. Stanley Milgram concluded that 2/3 of people would administer a life-ending shock simply because a person in a white coat told them too (More reading: Dr. Zimbardo transformed regular college students into prisoners and prison officers, watching them transform from young boys into victims and cruel torturers all in a matter of just a few short days (More reading:
What can we do if we are hardwired for bad? Should we give in? Embrace what or who we are? Or should we fight back through kindness and love. Of course, you all know how I feel, and because of this, I know we can win this battle. The easiest way is through kindness! What are some easy ways to express kindness? I know that we all cannot afford to pick up other's restaurant bills or Starbucks tabs. You can, however, smile at strangers and tell them you like their hair. Check on the people you care about through a simple text or phone call. And when you can, do the big stuff! Surprise someone! it gets easier, and almost addictive! I will refrain from getting into the biology of kindness here, but trust me when I say that making others happy, makes you happy too!
So go out this weekend! Say hello to someone in a store and compliment their sweater! Let's start a "goodness" revolution together and change the world.